ScholarCHIPS Resource List
Greetings! We have received your emails asking for additional resources in paying for college or broader support for families with incarcerated individuals. The following list will hopefully answer your questions or respond to your needs. We recognize that there are many other additional Scholarship Resources available and further believe that the combination of the following organizations working together will help to reverse the cycle of intergenerational incarceration and alleviate the financial burdens on families with incarcerated individuals. If you know of any resources we missed, please let us know so we may add them.

Extensive Resources for Children of Incarcerated Parents by Rutgers University - Includes additional scholarships!
Mentoring/Support for Children
• Amachi
• Angel Tree: Prison Fellowship
• Arkansas Voices for the Children left Behind
• Extended Family for Kids
• Hope House DC
• Our Children’s Place
• Sesame Street: Little Children, Big Challenges Toolkit
• The Prison Alphabet: An Educational Coloring Book for Children of Incarcerate Parents
• U.S. Dream Academy
Scholarships for College Students with Incarcerated Parents
Scholarships for GED Students
Continuing Education After Prison
Reentry Programs
Training and Support for Parents/Families
Advocacy/Legal Assistance
Nonprofits that Support Youth with Incarcerated Parents

EIN #46-3127898
501(c)3 Charitable Organization
ScholarCHIPS' United Way NCA #9738
ScholarCHIPS' Combined Federal Campaign #81760
(202) 677-0897
ScholarCHIPS, Inc.
P.O. Box 29326
Washington, DC 20017